laszip | compresses LAS files to LAZ in high speed without information loss |
| las2las | filters, transforms, subsamples, clips, thins, ... |
| las2txt | turns LAS/LAZ into human-readable and easy-to-parse text |
| txt2las | converts LiDAR from standard ASCII to LAS/LAZ |
| lascopcindex | creates a COPC *.laz file for a given set of *.las or *.laz files |
| lasdiff | compares LIDAR data of two LAS/LAZ/ASCII files and reports whether they are identical or whether they are different |
| lasinfo | prints out an overview of the contents of a LAS/LAZ file |
| lasmerge | can merge several LAS/LAZ files into one |
| lasprecision | reads LIDAR data in the LAS format and computes statistics about precision "advertised" in the header |
las2dem | rasters pointclouds (via a TIN) into elevation/slope/intensity/RGB DEMs |
| las2iso | extracts, optionally simplified, elevation contours |
| las2shp | turns LAS/LAZ into ESRI's Shapefile format |
| shp2las | turns an ESRI's Shapefile into LAS/LAZ |
| las2tin | triangulates the points of a LAS/LAZ file into a TIN |
| lasboundary | computes a boundary polygon |
| lascanopy | computes popular forestry metrics and grids them onto a raster |
| lasclassify | classifies buildings and high vegetation (i.e. trees) |
| lasclip | clips away points falling into polygonal shapes (e.g. building footprints) |
| lascolor | colors LiDAR points based on imagery |
| lascontrol | computes the height at certain x and y control points and reports the difference |
| lascopy | copies attributes using the GPS-time stamp and the return number |
| lasdatum | transforms from one horizontal datum to another |
| lasdistance | classifies, flags, or removes points based on distance from polygonal segments |
| lasduplicate | removes all duplicate points from a LAS/LAZ/ASCII file |
| lasgrid | grids data onto a raster |
| lasground | tool for bare-earth extraction |
| lasground | redesigned version of lasground for even better bare-earth extraction |
| lasheight | computes the height of each LAS point above the ground |
| lasindex | creates a *.lax file for a given *.las or *.laz file that contains spatial indexing information |
| laslayers | add layer functionality to LAS/LAZ files |
| lasnoise | flags or removes noise points in LAS/LAZ/BIN/ASCII files |
| lasoptimize | optimizes data for better compression and spatial coherency |
| lasoverage | finds the "overage" of a airborne collect that get covered by multiple flightline |
| lasoverlap | checks flight line overlap and/or vertical and horizontal alignment |
| lasplanes | finds planar patches of LAS/LAZ points fulfilling a number of user-defineable criteria |
| lasprobe | probes the elevation of the LIDAR for a given x and y location and reports it to a text file or to stdout |
| laspublish | do 3D visualization of LiDAR data in a web browser using the WebGL Potree |
| lasreturn | reports geometric return statistics and repairs 'number of returns' field based on GPS times |
| lassort | z-orders LAS/LAZ files |
| lassplit | splits the input file(s) into several output files based on various parameters |
| lasthin | implements a simple point thinning algorithm |
| lastile | creates a tiling of LAS/LAZ files |
| lastrack | takes files together with a trajectory file by matching GPS time stamps |
| lasvdatum | transforms LiDAR from ellipsoidal to orthometric elevations using a grid |
| lasvoxel | computes a voxelization of points |
| and even more... | see the full product overview |
All LAStools read, process, and write the compressed format directly without having to first decompress the file. Our easy-to-use, ultra-light-weight, very efficient C++ programming API called LASlib (with LASzip-DLL) makes it easy to add read/write support of compressed LAZ files to your software.